Computer Programming and AP Computer Science

Mrs. Elaine Hitch was born in 1962, and has been teaching for 25 years. She has been teaching programming at Flower Mound HIgh School for 5 years. She graduated from the University of North Texas in 1984 with a B.A in Computer Science. After that, in 1990, she got her Masters in Computer Education and Cognitive Systems.

Computer Programming

In this class students are introduced to the world of computer programming through Java. Students learn the fundamentals of programming, from printing out statements onto the screen, creating a text-based user interface, to manipulating arrays and other data to do complex calculations with ease. Skills learned in this class are the same skills needed to work as a developer as an adult.

AP Computer Science

AP Computer Science builds upon the skills learned in Computer Programming and advances students knowledge in computer science. This class ends with an AP Test that can count towards college credit. This can be both a money-saver and an appealing part of your college resume. This class provides helpful knowledge and furthers your skills, which are useful in many different career paths, from Aerospace Engineering to Web Design.